About the project

Given the uncertain COVID situation in Slovenia and abroad, we have decided that in 2021 it makes the most sense to address the domestic and close foreign market with influencers, which in the case of Kočevsko is Croatia. In this way, we try to avoid potential limitations and invest money in promotion in the safest way.

Given that cyclists are not a homogeneous target group, the next consideration was which type of cyclists we will address. Given that Kočevje has a well-developed gravity cycling product, which is mainly reflected in the MTB trail center Kočevje (http://www.mtbtrailcenterkocevje.com/), this was the first choice.

The second choice was “gravel” cycling, as the comparative advantage of Kočevje over competing cycling destinations is mainly in the multitude of forest paths, which are also suitable for cycling, unspoiled and wild nature – “gravel” cycling product is most suitable for this type of infrastructure. This year, Kočevsko has also developed a “flag ship” product that best promotes this type of cycling, namely Kočevsko Cycle Loop: https://www.kocevsko.com/en/tours-and-trips/kocevsko-cycling-loop/.

When we determined these two essential criteria for the selection of influencers, we looked for the 4 most suitable influencers who best addressed Slovenian and Croatian gravitational and “gravel” cyclists through their channels. They promoted mainly through their own Facebook, Instagram and Youtube channels. Quality photo and video material was also made, which Kočevsko can now use for its own promotion.

  • Marketing
  • Cycling tourism
  • Product development
Cycling influencers in Kočevje